Cookout season has begun, and nothing goes better with a hamburger or some grilled chicken than some fresh corn on the cob. My question is this- how do you butter your corn? The pat (as pictured) or the roll (taking the corn and rolling it directly onto a stick of butter, creating a permanent groove in the butter)? This was a subject of much controversy in my family, because my mother's family does the roll, but it drives my father crazy, so it was forbidden in our household. However, whenever we ate corn on the cob at my grandparents' house, we would roll that corn all up in that butter with glee, while my father glared and muttered under his breath about the "McHugh butter thing." Ah, good times. Nowadays, I do the pat. The roll is tempting, mostly because being a Rule Breaker sure is fun, plus it really does get the best butter distribution, but it still strikes me as so uncouth.
So let's hear it folks- the butter roll, or the pat? Leave your preference in the comments.
From: Kevin Garnett
To: Dan Shaughnessy
Cc: Bill Simmons
Hi guys,
Suck it.
First off, last night's Celtics win sure was ugly, but a win nonetheless. Posey's clutch free throws really sealed the deal. I was glad to see that KG had a great game, especially after all the "KG never comes up big in the playoffs" criticisms started cropping up in the media last week. One of my least favorite sports writers, Dan Shaughnessy, even compared him to A-Rod, a lame and blatant ploy for attention (although I guess it's working because here I am commenting about it, but whatever, I'll hold my moral ground by not linking to the article). First off, this is the NBA. Not everything has to be wedged into a Red Sox vs. Yankees framework to make it interesting to Boston sports fans. If you're going to make a comparison, there are plenty of ringless NBA veterans from whom to choose. Before Peyton Manning won a Superbowl, he was compared to Dan Marino, not a player from an entirely different sport.
If you were to order a custom made beer themed coffin, which brew would you choose? Well, Illinois man Bill Bramanti surely loves Pabst Blue Ribbon.
Holy crap, it must suck to live in Myanmar. Brutal military government, half the world still thinks your country is named Burma, and now a devastating cyclone.
And in case you wondered, like I did, what is the difference between a hurricane and a cyclone, here's your answer:
A tropical cyclone is the generic term for a non-frontal synoptic scale low-pressure system over tropical or sub-tropical waters with organized convection (i.e. thunderstorm activity) and definite cyclonic surface wind circulation. If winds reach 33 m/s (64 kt, 74 mph)), then they are called:
"hurricane" (the North Atlantic Ocean, the Northeast Pacific Ocean east of the dateline, or the South Pacific Ocean east of 160E)
"typhoon" (the Northwest Pacific Ocean west of the dateline)
"severe tropical cyclone" (the Southwest Pacific Ocean west of 160E or Southeast Indian Ocean east of 90E)
"severe cyclonic storm" (the North Indian Ocean)
"tropical cyclone" (the Southwest Indian Ocean)
Me: Wow, this one's really comfortable! The fabric is so soft and stretchy.
Kerry: I liked that one, too. How much does it cost?
Me: Checks tag. Um....., Kerry? It's a maternity dress.
Kerry: We are NOT getting that one.