Friday, January 30, 2009
New Music
Proceeds from the upcoming compilation Dark Was The Night benefit an AIDS awareness charity. Listen to three songs here and click on the widget to make your own. (via Freakgirl)
Thursday, January 29, 2009
Yes I totally recycled this post from Facebook
- I’ve broken my fingers five times. 4 playing basketball, 1 playing lacrosse. Four of them are still crooked.
- I’ve only been in one non-sibling fight. In 5th grade, the neighborhood bully stuck a stick in the spoke of my bike as I was pedaling by. I crashed and ripped my brand new jeans. I flew into a rage and pummeled him in front of all of the local kids. Shortly thereafter, he developed a crush on me and stood outside my bedroom window singing a song he made up called “Eileen Casserole.”
- When I’m alone in my car at night, I often listen to Bedtime Magic with David Allen Boucher.
- The best job I ever had was working at Natick Community Organic Farm.
- In 10th grade I won an essay contest on current events and attended the World Affairs Seminar in Whitewater, WI. It was my first time out on my own and I loved being in a new place and meeting new people. It made me want to go away to college.
- I am great at friendship but terrible at dating.
- I dislike brunch. Give me lunch or breakfast and nothing in between.
- I have a thing for guys with bad teeth.
- I think that Bob Dylan’s Blood on the Tracks is the best music album ever made. I listen to it whenever I’m feeling blue.
- Before I started training for my first marathon, I had never run more than 4 miles. Whenever people say “Oh I could never run a marathon” I tell them this fact and also that Oprah did it. Unless they have no legs, then I just keep my big mouth shut.
- When I was a kid, I loved and wanted to be a veterinarian. But spending two years around disgusting Nicaraguan street dogs sort of turned me off of pets in general.
- Eyeballs creep me out. I rarely wear eye makeup and thinking about eyeballs can make me faint. If I ever had vision problems, I’d definitely wear glasses instead of contacts.
- When I was a kid I was terrified of the reflection of lights on a linoleum floor. If you look down at the floor while you’re at the grocery store, you’ll notice that the reflected lights seem to move with you. I thought they were chasing me and would panic and scream and cry. I had to stay on the carpeted areas of places like Filene’s, and grocery stores were my nemesis. I was a weird kid.
- I love having sisters but always thought it would be cool to have an older brother and that I could date his cute friends. My friends with brothers assure me that it does not work like that.
- I hate grad school and think not dropping out years ago was the biggest mistake I’ve ever made. I try to avoid talking about it or pretend that it’s fine, but I’ve been miserable for the past three years. Now you know.
- Several years ago I made a list of life-long goals. There were 5 items: own a mini cooper, run a marathon, climb Mount Kilimanjaro, write a novel, and fall in love. I have accomplished one of them.
- I was once sued for $58,000 as a result of an auto accident. I was driving my friend Jen’s father’s car and he was sued, too. The case settled but reaffirmed my belief that American society is far too litigious.
- The best concert I ever saw was Pink Floyd at Foxboro Stadium in 1994 with Kim when I was 15 years old. Her dad drove and mine picked us up.
- I am mean to my mom and feel guilty about it. She does drive me nuts, though.
- I don’t know if I’ll ever be able to own property because I hate the feeling of being tied down. That and I prefer to pay people for stuff I don’t want to deal with, like hot water heaters.
- I failed kindergarten screening and had to go to pre-kindergarten with all of the delinquent Framingham youth the summer before school started. The teacher liked me because I was one of the only girls so they let me into kindergarten.
- I used to be jealous of the beautiful people, thinking that they had it so easy, but when I lived in Nicaragua everyone thought I was pretty and I hated it. It was like people didn’t care about me, they only wanted to talk to me or be my friend because of how I looked instead of who I was.
- I have no musical talent but was once sent to a camp at Tanglewood for musically inclined children because I was friends with the music teacher’s daughter. I played the recorder and all of the other kids had cellos and shit.
- I never set my alarm clock exactly on the hour or half hour. Or even the 15 minute mark. It’s gotta be 6:21 or something like that. I change it up every day.
- Picky eaters annoy me. If you aren’t allergic, just fucking eat it already.
Update: It's Friday, and if you're reading this you are obviously procrastinating. How about you add one little-known fact about yourself in the comments? It'll be fun, I promise.
Tuesday, January 27, 2009
What's that? Aretha's hat!

Monday, January 26, 2009
Let's go to the movies
I've only seen two of the nominees for Best Picture- I already posted my thoughts on Slumdog Millionaire (loved it! although the backlash already seems to be looming, a la last year's Juno. Suck it, haters- if Titanic wasn't too cheesy for an Oscar, neither is the Slumdog.) and I saw Milk over the weekend. Directed by Gus Van Sant, Milk tells the story of Harvey Milk, the first openly gay elected official in the United States. In 1972, Harvey was a mild-mannered, closeted banker who, at age 40, decides that it's time to make a change. He and his new boyfriend move to the Castro district in San Fransisco and he becomes a prominent player in local politics as well as a vocal advocate for the growing national gay rights movement. For those of you who don't know the rest of the story, I won't spoil it. It's a great movie- Sean Penn is phenomenal in the lead role and according to co-star Josh Brolin, he's "quite an actor, Sean Penn. And not an asshole like Russell Crowe." (love that quote!) It's an impressive turn for Penn, who's played surly and gruff characters in most of his recent movies- he really does seem believably and joyfully gay. James Franco plays Harvey Milk's longtime lover Scott, and he doesn't seem gay as much as plain sexy. The rest of the cast is great except for Diego Luna as a subsequent horribly annoying boyfriend- the Boston Globe said that he "appears to have wandered over from some drunken college production of Pedro Almodovar's 'Bad Education'." So true. One of the most interesting aspects of the film is the treatment of Harvey Milk's adversary, the conservative San Fransisco native Dan White. Instead of painting him as pure villain, Van Sant and Brolin make him human- White is obviously captivated by Milk and seems both jealous of his success and desirous of his friendship, even though White was the only city supervisor to vote against a gay rights bill championed by Milk.
The only drawback to the film is that it wasn't released before last year's election on Propisition 8, which rescinded the rights of gay people to marry in the state of California. In an eerie parallel, a major plotline of Milk is a vote on Proposition 6, a ballot proposal that would have banned gays and anyone who supported gays from working in the public school system. Proposition 6 failed. I don't know that an earlier release date of the film Milk would have helped defeat Proposition 8 per se, but a movie that depicts gay activists as Americans struggling for the right to live their lives just like everyone else certainly couldn't have hurt. I don't need to go off on a complete tanget, but I am very proud of Massachusetts for being the first state to legalize gay marriage. As for the states attempting to ban it, adding legislation that limits the rights of a specific group of citizens is about as unamerican as I can imagine. The separation of church and state is a fundamental tenet of our government- if you'd like an example of a society that allows religion to shape its laws, look no further than modern Iran. Additionally, they aren't trying to make gay marriage mandatory- if you aren't gay, it won't affect you. For heaven's sake America, time to leave the bigotry behind and focus on our shitty economy and international troubles, rather than argue about whether or not dudes can marry other dudes. In summary, Milk was a very good movie. And the fact that Harvey Milk didn't even do anything remarkable until age 40 is pretty inspiring. All those teenage gymnasts and tennis stars make be feel woefully behind schedule in terms of my potential for greatness.
Oh, I head that Benjamin Button was long and boring and don't actually know of anyone who's seen The Reader or Frost/Nixon. Any reports?
Saturday, January 24, 2009
Neighborhood Watch

Friday, January 23, 2009
One Last Inauguration Post
And because I'm a giant nerd, I made this:

See what I mean?
Wednesday, January 21, 2009
Dim Sum, yum!
Tuesday, January 20, 2009
Kids' letters to Obama

The best thing about living in the White House would be running around like a maniac. The thing I would like least is the work.
— Holly Wong, age 9, San Francisco
I want to tell you hi. Do you work with Santa Claus? Can I meet you in your house? Can I say bye to you after I meet you? And then can I meet you again? And then again after that?
- Sergio Magana, age 5, San Francisco
Could you help my family to get housecleaning jobs? I hope you will be a great president. If I were president, I would help all nations, even Hawaii. President Obama, I think you could help the world.
— Chad Timsing, age 9, Los Angeles
Monday, January 19, 2009
Inauguration Nation!

Thursday, January 15, 2009
Got tots?
Wednesday, January 14, 2009
The Black Cab Sessions...musicians perform one song in the back of a London taxi. I could watch these all day long! So far, My Morning Jacket is my favorite.
(thanks DBC, I totally stole this from your Fbook page)
My Jeff Tweedy obsession continues...I started reading his son's blog, which is quite impressive for a thirteen year old.
My co-workers and I all took this online IQ test (the one on the upper left of the page) for fun. I scored a 128 but I think I would have done better if there were more word games and fewer pattern recognition questions. It did confirm that I'm wicked smart, but not a genius. Alas.
Tuesday, January 13, 2009
A movie and a book to avoid
Evening, by Susan Minot, is the worst book I've read since The Bridges of Madison County, which is the worst book I've read in my entire life. And not in a so-bad-it's-good kind of way (I'm looking at you, Twilight), just plain old bad. The plot is about an old woman dying of cancer who starts reminiscing about a weekend in which she had a fling with a tall, dark stranger she met at a wedding decades before. She makes him out to be this romantic figure, "OMG after we went swimming he passed me a towel without even wiping off his face first, what a gentleman" when in fact he was just some smarmy dude who was cheating on his pregnant fiance.
The Will Be Blood....more like There Will Be A Really Long And Boring Movie With A Fucked-Up Ending. Yes, Daniel Day Lewis is a great actor, but his character is a nasty oil tycoon who only cares about beating the competition, and doesn't even seem to have any fun or enjoy his money doing so. And it's 2 hours and 38 minutes long, spitting in the face of my No Movie Should Be Over Two Hours Long Unless Francis Ford Coppola Is Involved policy. And the soundtrack was very odd and jarring- it sounded like the opening of a Lost episode and didn't go with the desert scenery at all.
So do yourself a favor and skip both of the above.
In happier entertainment news, I have started watching The Wire and am completely hooked.
Supreme Court Justices Quiz!
1. Stephen Breyer
2. Antonin Scalia
3. Anthony Kennedy
4. John Paul Stevens
5. John Roberts
6. Ruth Bader Ginsberg
7. Clarence Thomas
8. David Souter
9. Samuel Alito
Fun Facts:
A. Father of nine and an opera lover
B. Has no use for television, answering machines, ball point pens, email.
C. Most recent appointment to the court
D. His swearing in was rushed and private to avoid breaking scandal
E. Nominated to the court after Mario Cuomo couldn't decide if he wanted an appointment
F. Nominated on his second try because of Ted Kennedy's support
G. The strongest "Constitutionalist" or "originalist" on the Court
H. loves Corvettes, NASCAR, and the Dallas Cowboys
I. Wrote that the real loser in the 2000 election was the reputation of the Justices
J. His interest in foreign law and justices has made him less conservative
K. Nominated to replace O'Connor, then Renquist
No Googling! I'll post the answer key tomorrow morning.
Sunday, January 11, 2009
Tennessee Report
Friday, January 09, 2009
Lesson of the day
Anthropomorphism be damned- climbing into zoo enclosures is for frickin idiots! What is wrong with people?
Thursday, January 08, 2009
Tell me what's so great about Gmail
Here's the catch...I've been paying $25 a year for extra storage for the past few years, and since Gmail has a much larger space availability, it's sort of silly to pay for what I could be getting for free. And I know that I can have my hotmail forwarded to my Gmail address. But the thought of becoming one of those cursed email address changers pains me!
So, let's say I give myself the allowance to change my email address, once and only once. Should I make the switch? Convince me, Gmail users.
Wednesday, January 07, 2009
Four things that have nothing to do with each other
2. The aquarian version of a fox in the chicken coop: a seal waddles for 2 miles on land and sneaks into a fish hatchery.
3. Best/worst typo ever? My BIL (that's my new acronym for brother-in-law) Ryan forwarded me an email sent an administrator about a job opening at the Staten Island City University of New York. I bet you can guess where this is headed...
Subject: Open position at CUNT
Oh my.
4. This just in....Most Embarrassing/Hilarious Skiing Mishap Ever? Perhaps. I seriously LOLed at this, and smugly noted the incident to my mental list of reasons why I hate skiing. Not only might you tear your ACL, you could also end up suspended upside down, pantsless, in front of hundreds of strangers! (thanks for sending me the link, Jen! My readers know what I like.)
Monday, January 05, 2009
Live from Johnson City

- It is a lot warmer here than I expected, so I look ridiculous traipsing around in my heavy wool coat with a fuzzy collar.
- Whoa, those Tennessee accents!
- People here are crazy about football, especially with the Titans doing so well this season. Prior to Masterpiece Theater, we drank wine and watched both of yesterday's NFL games.
- ETSU has had many different types of mascots.
Friday, January 02, 2009
Take me to another place
In a six week time frame, I'll have traveled to the following four destinations:
1. Morgantown, WV
2. Binghamton, NY
3. Brunswick, ME
4. Johnson City, TN
Oh yes, it's my Central Northeast Americana Tour. I'm thinking about pitching a show in which I travel to small American cities and report on local dive bars and diners. It'll be sort of like Taradise, minus the fake tans and fake boobs. Still trashy, though.
The only things I know about Johnson City are that it's not anywhere near Nashville or Memphis, and it's mentioned in a song I really like:
Wagon Wheel, by Old Crow Medicine Show.