Sunday, March 28, 2010

Might as well face it, I'm addicted to crumpets

In the bakery section at the local grocery store, I noticed an unusual item that resembled a cross between a pancake and an English muffin. They came in stacks of six wrapped in plastic and, to be honest, looked kind of disgusting, like spongy round breads. The packaging didn’t help, either, as it gave them a Wonder Bread processed type aura and made me question how long they had been sitting there on the shelf. Nevertheless, I was curious, as these items are found in every grocery store and seem to be quite popular. I asked around and soon learned their identity: crumpets. And then I tried them in the traditional manner: toasted and loaded with butter (or margarine, in my case). Holy crap, these little fuckers are tasty! They’re like pancakes with nooks and crannies. Mmm…their texture is a perfect blend of soft squishiness and when you spread butter on them it melts down into the spongy holes in the best possible manner. Granted, they probably aren’t the healthiest way to start your day, and since my first crumpet, I’ve been on something of a bender. Crumpets may in fact be the best thing since sliced bread. Lesson learned: never judge a bakery item by its packaging.


Kris said...

Crumpets ARE the best, but you're missing a key ingredient: HONEY. Once you've loaded 'em up with butter, drizzle a little honey on there. BLISS!

eileen said...

I bet they'd also be good with maple syrup. Provided that I can find the real stuff and down here.

Big al said...

... and so much more fun to say in silly faux Australian accent than 'english muffin'.

Kevin said...

Hmm, seems like you're living in some English colony down there. I do enjoy crumpets, but I'm careful not to buy them b/c then I usually eat most of the pack of 6 or 8 all in one go. But you have to add jam/jelly on top! And a spot of tea, of course. Cheerio!