Monday, August 18, 2008

The Phantom Ring

Do you ever hear your cell phone ringing, like, we're talking crystal clear rings, only to discover that it's not ringing, and the sound is your own imagination?
Gah! I hate that.


KcM said...

No, but back when I actually used my phone, I used to get "phantom vibrates" all the time. There was an article about it awhile

Mrs. V said...

Phantom? When you're a recent Mom and your baby is about 6 weeks old, you swear you can hear him cry when he is not crying or when he is not even around. It's as if in the different sounds in the air there is something in them that will have the same tone or pitch or 'something' and sound like a baby crying, every once in awhile.

I've never heard my phone ring, however, when it is not ringing. Other people will have my same ringtone, but that's it. I think you are going crazy, Eileen!

eileen said...

Hmmm...I was kinda hoping for more "hey, me too!" in the comments.

Anonymous said...

hey, me too!

Seriously, hasn't happened lately, but it used to all the time with my old phone.

S said...

I get phantom rings in the sense that sometimes it doesn't actually ring. My phone will be sitting right beside me and next thing I know it beeps letting me know I have voice mail.

jay said...

I get them all the time! Especially since I'm one of those annoying people with a song for their ringtone. So whenever that song comes on the radio I jump for my phone. Which is weird cuz my phone never rings, so maybe its just hope...