You know how they say everything's bigger in Texas? Well, I've been to Texas and nothing seemed that oversized, but here in Chicago, everything is huge. The buildings, the roads, the city blocks (they're like triple the size of a Boston block), and with all those corn-fed Midwesterners roaming around, I'm never the tallest person in a room, even when I'm wearing heels.
Since it was such a nice day, I went back to the park to walk around and take some photos. I was very impressed by the landscaping and all of the flowers- they were beautiful and the city must devote a lot of money into keeping everything so well maintained. And in case you were wondering when I became the sort of person who gets excited about flowers and takes pictures of them, the answer is TODAY.

A big fountain and an a big lake:

Another thing Chicago has in abundance is Evil Buildings. I've always found the Sears Tower rather malevolent-looking, the way it darkly looms over the city with its twin demon antennae.

Chicago Public Library? More like Chicago Public Library of Evil! That eagle is poised to swoop down and grab you with his extended talon!
They're plotting something; I can tell.
Hahahha! I love it. I hope those pics were taken w/your fischer price camera on a necklace
i love the photos! gorgeous, i remember chicago as cold and grey!
The eagle must be used to keep you from bringing your books back late. Or maybe from taking them out at all.
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