For beverages, I adopted Caity's suggestion and changed the name:
The Pinkle
5 oz. citron vodka
1 oz. blackberry brandy
6 oz. pink lemonade
Mix well and serve over ice.
Now, onto the photos:
This year's swap was more outrageous that ever- talking flyswatters, yodeling pickles, and lots and lots of naughty gifts: "pornaments for your XXXmas tree." Here's the whole crew holding up their swap booty:
I ended up taking home a framed, autograph picture of one of my teammates back in his heyday, which is sort of funny because I had just unearthed one of my own childhood soccer photos (see two posts down).
I shall cherish it always.
Does the guy who's photo you 'won' look like you????? For some reason I see you in his face.
Haha not really. Most people see Neil Patrick Harris.
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