Monday, November 19, 2007

Linky time

Here's a quiz- find out what type of humor you have here. (Note: you don't have to enter your email to see the results, just click and bypass that part.)

I'm CLEAN/COMPLEX/DARK. Hmmm....pretty accurate.

Via my sister Kerry...The 25 Most Baffling Toys From Around the World. Hilarious, and quite bizarre. My favorite is the stuffed toy virus.

And now for something less funny: Kids these days don't read so good.


Anonymous said...

I'm clean/dark/complex, so almost the same as you, just a little different though. Then again, we do usually laugh at the same things..

Stacey said...

I'm clean/complex/dark, exactly the same as you. :)

Anonymous said...

I'm clean/spontaneous/light and in the "your place in humor 3-space" I'm "the Ham", which is interesting because in my baby book my mother says I'm a ham.

I wasn't a big fan of the test, mainly because it was geared more towards men.

KcM said...

Clean/complex/dark, same.