Friday- Headed over to
Caity's after work for our monthly bloggers book club meeting, where we are "rereading the classics." This month's selection was The Great Gatsby, and we watched the
1974 movie version starring Robert Redford as Jay Gatsby. The movie itself wasn't a great adaptation (the characters seemed a little too cold, and Mia Farrow was a terrible Daisy- she seemed about 10 years too old for the part) but it was fun to see all of the 1920's fashion and party scenes and amusing to recognize the cast- for example, Nick was played by a very young and sweaty
Jack McCoy.
Saturday- My roommate Ern and I hosted a Valentine's party entitled "Share Your VD With Us." The first time we threw the party, three years ago, no couples were allowed, but since then it's been an open door policy. Partly because we managed to offend several couples who actually had wanted to attend the party, and partly because these days, a "singles only" party would pretty much be me and two or three friends getting blitzed and coming up with our own dance routine to Beyonce's Single Ladies. Anyways, so yes, the party was lots and lots of fun. Ern baked about a zillion delicious mini cupcakes and I made a champagne punch, served in our very classy punch bowl (from Goodwill). I was excited to wear a family heirloom that I recently recived: my parents found two Waterford Crystal necklaces that belonged to my paternal grandmother. (In addition to a hearty appetite for alcohol and storytelling and a morbid fascination with death, another mark of Irish culture is a fondness for all things Waterford.) One was a heart pendant and the other was an enormous crucifix that looked like something straight out of Madonna's Justify My Love video. I chose the heart. (Which means that one of my lucky sisters will soon be the owner of a ridiculously large crystal cross...enjoy!) Here are some party pics...
Ern with cupcakes and Joe with scary Asian liquor:

Me with blog friends
Andy, and
Caity (notice how Sarah and I have opposite color schemes):


And lastly, my favorite outfits of the evening:

I dont know how I stumbled across your blog but... :) lovely. happy Day!
these days, a "singles only" party would pretty much be me and two or three friends getting blitzed and coming up with our own dance routine to Beyonce's Single Ladies....
We should do that anyway!
I think I declared that those mini-cupcakes were the best ones I've had in my life. Two days later and sober, I stand by that statement.
This was an AMAZING party and we had a blast. Thanks for letting couples come since Adam and I had more fun partying with your friends then we ever have had on a lameass dinner date :-)
E- you look great in these pics, by the way. happy vd! -Bri
I will have you know that the Waterford necklaces were offered to me first, but I declined. I hope that doesn't hurt your feelings! :-)
Kerry, I can't believe you passed up the opportunity to have your very own Titanic "My Heart Will Go On" necklace.
hey, isn't that the asian liquor i brought you from korea? i bet it's still full... ;)
Buddes, it is!
You gave me three bottles and i hadn't tried the scary face one yet. It tasted like sake and was pretty good. We had a big ole social with it.
Is that Tom Brady in the crushed velvet?!
Good times Eileen and Ern as always. And I think we did attempt our own single ladies dance anyways. Guess it doesnt matter who is there. Oops.
Yes, but I will need to study up my Beyonce moves for next time.
Oh, Mikey O I deleted your comment to protect TF from google turning up pics of him in his finery. But it was a wonderful outfit, all agree.
I am very behind in my e-reading, but this post absolutely cracked me up. You are too funny to be a scientist :-) (j/k...I don't want to get beaten up by all of your "scientist friends")!
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