Who would have thought that the most exciting series in the NBA in years would be the KG-less Celtics versus the young and relatively unknown Bulls? (Okay, I guess Bill Simmons got it right this time.)
Last night's game was unbelievable- 3 overtimes! Ray Allen with 51 points! (I think he knew that I recently watched He Got Game in tribute.) Unfortunately, Chicago came away with the win, but I've been enjoying watching these to teams battle it over the course of the series, with 4 of 6 games going to overtime. I've always found basketball to be the most exciting sport to watch, and these games have exemplified the my favorite aspects of the game: phenomenal athletes, constant action, no padding or helmets to obscure the players, etc. One of my favorite parts of basketball is the fact that the best players compete directly against each other. You can discuss Brady vs. Manning or have a pitcher's duel in baseball, but it isn't the same as Rondo and Rose actually marking up on and guarding each other. I love NBA basketball so I'm glad that this series has encouraged a lot of sports fans to tune in. And I can't wait to watch Game 7.
My husband and I were just talking about this at lunch! We are not fans of either team but it's been such a good series. I've enjoyed seeing what KG is wearing each game...best dressed player in the NBA.
Game seven tonight! Best series in a long long time. Just look at Pierce, he's exhausted, Perkins is playing better than he ever has, Rondo is becoming the Iron Shiek to Chicago fans, and Ray Allen has settled the who's better debate between him and Reggie Miller.
It really doesn't get any better..
You know who else played great in Game 6? Big Baby!
Also, I find it kind of amusing that Rondo now has this dirty player rep going, because it seems like it just came out of nowhere. Yeah, he had a couple minor incidents during this series (for the first time in his career) but people outside of Boston are painting him as the second coming of acting Bill Laimbeer or something.
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