Friday, June 06, 2008

For the scientists!

Hilarious new commercial for automatic pipetting from Eppendorf. No, really. Okay, maybe it's only funny if your daily life is exactly like the girl in the video, complete with pain from "pipettor's thumb."


Mrs. V said...

OMG, they don't even show the to sell a pipette, unbelievable. The first day I spent pipetting was with a horrendous pipette that gave me a blister! Yeah, my boss was keeping the better pipet for herself and feined concern about her poor, new employee.

J.R. said...

HOLY CRAP! that was amazing. That's all filmed down at Crissy Field in S.F. too, right be where I used to go running a lot. How do you even find these things Eileen?? Incredible.

eileen said...

Ha- the two people whom I knew would enjoy the video both left comments.

My friend Jeff, a fellow grad student, emailed the link to me. Quality stuff.
Do you think they're hired models or actual Eppendorf employees?

Unknown said...

The blond was my favorite.

Anonymous said...

This might be funny but it is kind of unfair. I mean Eppendorf makes these old style very hard on your thumb pipettes and sell plenty of them. Now the girl in the video throws away a pipette (think it's a Rainin) and goes to Eppendorf EPmotion. Several companies (Rainin, Biohit) sell much more modern comfortable pipettes, and fully electronic pipettes from Biohit and others are not that expensive and both quick and comfy, plus cheap and much more flexible. I mean what really is irritating is how they throw away a competing pipette which I am quite sure is much more comfortable then their old ones which they have been refusing to improve on for years.

eileen said...

Wow, anonymous, you know a lot about pipettes. I guess it wouldn't be good advertising for eppendorf if they showed someone throwing away one of their own products.

Anonymous said...

I think "Anonymous" is actually an Eppendorf competitor. Eppendorf did improve their pipettes a few years back with the "PhysioCare" brand - lighter less forces required and much more ergonomic. I am a scientist and do know alot about pipettes, and I think the Eppendorf pipettes are among the best.