Thursday, August 11, 2005

FHS Class of 1995

My ten year high school reunion is this Saturday night, and I will be attending. Why? I don’t have any reason not to go- it’s nearby and I have nothing better to do. Also, I am very curious to see what happened to all of those people, most of whom I have not laid eyes on since our graduation day. I had an okay time in high school, as opposed to college, which I absolutely loved. In my early teens, I was the epitome of awkward: tall, skinny, with braces and the worst mullet this side of Appalachia (don’t worry, I’ll post a picture one of these Fridays). I listened to the Cure and my favorite movie was Heathers. Despite these facts, I was not tormented by my peers as much as one might have anticipated. I did well in classes, played sports, and had a group of close friends, many of whom I am still close with (although Kim gets bonus points for being the only one to agree to go to the reunion with me). I left high school and never looked back, going out of state for college and out of the country for a couple of years after college. I’ve been back in Boston for four years now, but have only bumped into a handful of Framingham Flyers, so it will be interesting and a little bit frightening to see them all in one place. But hey, it’s open bar, I’ve pretty much perfected the “Fake Interested” face, the one I use when people start talking about Price Anderhouse Cooper or wherever they work (Hey, do you hear me talking about bacterial gene regulation at social events? Nope! Why? Because I know that it’s boring to everyone else!), and yes, a tiny, vindictive part of me does hope that some of the mean popular girls got fat.


Anonymous said...

Ooh, I definitely want to hear how it goes. Mine was a couple weeks ago and - newsflash! - I didn't go. Our school was pretty lame though, and I'm 100% certain there was no free booze. I think they were having it at the shitty local dive bar.

Anonymous said...

Hey, I might miss out on the bonus points for not going to the 10 year reunion, but I think 3000 miles of ocean gets me off the hook somewhat, eh?