Saturday- I went down to Rhode Island to visit my friend Colann. She picked me up at the train station and we ended up going to a scooter rally. What's a scooter rally, you ask? Well, it's like a bike rally, with Vespas instead of Harleys. I had no idea of the extent of the scooter underworld until we arrived on the scene: hundreds of people (mostly tattooed punk types), camped out in a field, all with scooters. Colann participated in one event, in which a one person sits in a plastic sled attached to a scooter with a rope, and whomever gets pulled the farthest wins. Here are some pictures:

Sunday- My wanton ways finally caught up to me and I woke up with a nasty cold- sneezing, coughing, and cloudy-headed. I went back to Boston and lounged around in front of the air conditioner, loading up on Vitamin C. Boooo.
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