Monday, February 25, 2008

Somebody's got a case of the Mondays

and that somebody is me.

I had a fairly uneventful weekend- I'm fighting off some sort of cold, so I spent most of the time lying around on my couch. I didn't even watch the Oscars.

Here are a couple goodies from the internet to perk up your morning:

1. A fun video done to Spoon's Don't You Evah. I want one of those little spongy guys!

2. The sponge material theme continues. I don't know how to even describe this- art project?- and I don't really understand it, but I like it. Today Is The Day.


Anonymous said...

Hilarious fake commercial from Saturday Night Live this weekend:

Anonymous said...

Uh...that is an interesting art project. I don't get it, though. I guess I am must not very good at art interpretation. :)

Sugarmouth O'Riordan said...

I'm always so impressed when people are able to get such expressiveness out of relatively simple inanimate objects. See: the puppets from Greg The Bunny. Hi-effing-larious