Saturday- Worked for a while, then looked a bunch of possible venues for my sister's wedding. I saw one in Quincy, one in Dorchester, one in East Boston, and one downtown, and none of them were any good. So, if anyone has recommendations for an affordable reception venue in the Boston area that can hold 180 people, let me know!
Now, let me tell you about the highlight of the's sort of a long, boring story involving hours of the Virtual Waiting Room and a few panicked phone calls, but with a happy ending. (um, not that kind of happy ending.) I have tickets to Opening Day at Fenway Park! Sure, they're standing room only, but I've never been to opening day before, and this one's complete with a World Series championship ring ceremony. So, yes, I'm very excited. Special thanks (and two tickets) go to Timm, who spent hours at his computer logged in as me while I was busy looking at potential wedding venues and playing soccer.
Sunday- Sleep, running, work, squalls, blah. Headed to trivia tonight, so that should be fun. Oh, for those of you in Boston...what the hell is up with the weather? These squalls are downright apocalyptic.
UPDATE: Group Wii photo is up... see if you can pick me out of the lineup. If you click on the picture, it will enlarge.
Not to brag (though you know I really am), but the weather in SF was amazing today. There was a long line right outside the ice cream place--a sign that winter is over and summer is here. I don't believe in Spring. =)
I'm going to Opening Day, too!! :)
Caity- that's awesome!
Tina- Ugh, yesterday morning it was sunny and in the 50s, by last night, it was 10 degrees out, icy, and with gale force winds. So, do you miss Boston at all? Oh, and the P.I. we made was Ann.
i can't figure out which one you are!
I'm wearing light blue...and I should have made my hair longer and blonder.
I went for one of the two on the top left (I couldn't decide between the two of them).
Haha. I found Ann!! Funny.
Do I miss Boston? Did you not read my comment? I in absolutely love with the 'sisco.
Tina, I was being sarcastic. I forget that it doesn't really come across in writing. Kev, one of the characters you thought was me (I? but that sounds so awkward!) is a transgenic mouse.
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