I feel like my posts have been pretty weak lately, but I was fighting off a cold and preparing for an upcoming thesis committee meeting all week. I did get to have some fun, though. Nikki and I watched the Celtics beat New Jersey on Wednesday- you can't really tell but we are both wearing fantastic t-shirts: I've got my Gino on and Nikki wore her new Rondo shirt.
For several years now, I've been part of a little group called Spanish Table- Spanish-speaking scientists in Boston who get together every couple of months to eat and drink and conversar. JR and I are the token American members. Last night, we gathered at the house of a couple from Argentina for a paella and sangria party. It was an absolute feast of deliciousness- empanadas, stuffed breads, olives, bread, cheese, spinach pie (courtesy of the Greek representatives), deviled eggs (which are apparently a Spanish tapa not called juevos del diablo, FYI) and of course the paella. I ate soooo much and had a grand ole time. Below are some photos of the festivities (note: drinking several glasses of sangria may lead to the chopping off of heads in certain photos.) And in case you're wondering, Spanish Speaking Scientists Throw The Best Dinner Parties.

Awww. I remember the very first one we had. I miss Spanish Table!!
Whoaaa! How did I miss the huevos del diablo? Where were they?? I love those! Now I feel a little defalted.
So what are they called, I've always wanted to know? People ask me and I don't know.
No one seemed to know what delived eggs were called in Spanish, everyone was just like "oh, tapas" and ate them.
JR- Marly brought them but I think we polished them off before you arrived. They had shrimp in them, too. Mmmmm.
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