Who's that dashing fellow on the cover of the Weekly Dig? (Um, the one under the bloody hand.) It's my friend Chris Mulvey, whose band Muy Cansado has been selected to participate in WBCN's Rock N Roll Rumble battle of the bands. The contest has been going on since 1979, and former winners include The Dresden Dolls and Til' Tuesday. Muy Cansado plays next Thursday at the Middle East upstairs. I will be there and if you're a music fan in the Boston area, I highly recommend attending. The Dig compared Muy Cansado to the Talking Heads in their write-up, so that should be all the prodding that you need.
Thursday, April 02, 2009
Muy Cansado in the WBCN Rumble
Who's that dashing fellow on the cover of the Weekly Dig? (Um, the one under the bloody hand.) It's my friend Chris Mulvey, whose band Muy Cansado has been selected to participate in WBCN's Rock N Roll Rumble battle of the bands. The contest has been going on since 1979, and former winners include The Dresden Dolls and Til' Tuesday. Muy Cansado plays next Thursday at the Middle East upstairs. I will be there and if you're a music fan in the Boston area, I highly recommend attending. The Dig compared Muy Cansado to the Talking Heads in their write-up, so that should be all the prodding that you need.
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