The Dunnes

Which family is more awkward? Vote in the comments section. The Fair family features lots of bare white legs, but I think Timm leads them with his salmon colored t-shirt and giant white high tops. They're facing some stiff competition by the Dunnes, with Kerry's high wasted pleated and pegged pants, complete with high school letter jacket. I've got the long mullet, while Eri is sporting the mini mullet and some ridiculous pink pants. The most stylish in the photo are my grandparents, despite the fact that my grandmother is wearing a shawl made of plastic. Oh yeah, and what's that in my hand? A metal detector. Yes, folks, a METAL DETECTOR. My dorkiness knows no bounds.
This is a tough one. I'm leaning towards the Fairs but that metal detector is a hard one to top.
Upon first glance, it was definitely the Fairs. However, the description provided may push the win over to the Dunnes. But Ern's french braid/bangs look pulls it back to the Fair side.
Too hard! I declare a tie!
I don't even feel like voting now, because YOU HAVE RUINED TIMM FAIR FOR ME FOREVER.
I respect the awkwardness of the family Dunne, but the Fair's take it. The partially laced up high tops with the tongue pulled out and a shirt with different colored sleeves are hard to top. Too bad that there are no pictures of me in all of my awkward glory...
I am afraid I have to give the prize to the Fair family. Actually, we really should give the award to Timm. Sorry buddy... This one is hilarious!
If not for him, the metal detector would've pushed the Dunnes into the lead. :)
Good friday photo
Yeah, what all y'all don't know is Kerry's wearing her Framingham North High Green Courdoroy jacket...yeah
You know, I thought two mullets, a metal detector, and a high school jacket would be hard to beat, but it looks like the Fair family might have done it. Are Timm's sneakers British Knights?
yep, the fairs are in it to win it. but really, poor footwear choices and some hair challenges are not as awkward as the dunne's day at the beach. didn't anyone see eileen's jean-on-jean extravaganza?? are you kidding me? the haircuts that no amount of wind can hide? the metal detector?? really, i'd happily take the prize but i think it belongs to the dunnes.
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