Thursday, August 16, 2007

Framingham night out

Intrepid travelers Kevin and Karen, who have spent the last ten months exploring the globe, arrived at their last stop before returning home to London: exotic Framingham, MA. Some of the old gang got together for dinner at the Aegean Restaurant in Framingham, located in what used to be a Chichi's (it's definitely an improvement). That's not the only thing that's changed over the years....people now have spouses, almost spouses, and a baby. Cut to me making the reservation...
Me: 8 adults and 1 baby, please. (Note that I miscounted adults, because I'm an idiot, but it did lead to much speculation about whom I was bringing to dinner.)
Them: So, you want a highchair, then?
Me: Um, yeah, I guess that's what babies sit in.
However, not everything has changed. Jon still walks around with a backpack, and I still like making fun of Kevin. Here's a bonus shot, and if I were a craftier individual, I would have photoshopped him in front of Shoppers' World or somewhere equally Framingham.

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