The woman who planted a severed finger in a bowl of Wendy's chili and her husband, who provided said severed finger (although it wasn't his), were sentenced to 9 years in prison for their hoax. I think they totally deserved the stiff punishment; their scam cost Wendy's millions of dollars in lost revenue.

Check this out- instead of eating the fuzzy hamster that was provided as dinner, a ratsnake in a Tokyo Zoo befriended it, and the two have been BFFs ever since. Awww...
I'm starting to think that this whole snake-hampster, tortoise-hippo cross-species relationship trend is either some sneaky PR move on the part of the reptile/amphibian community to "cuten-up" their image.
Of course they've totally won me over...
Whatever the cause, I love it when different species are friends!
I don't think this little story is going to end well. I think the snake is waiting for the hamster to get good and fat before he chomps down on him.
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