I have a new favorite product: Airborne cold remedy. It's sort of like an Alka-Seltzer that you take to ward off colds when you get that uh-oh, I-think-I'm-coming-down-with-something feeling. It isn't a medication, but rather an herbal supplement that supposedly boosts your immune system. Normally, I am fairly skeptical when it comes to herbal remedies, but after a long party weekend left me with a sore throat and drowsiness, I decided to try this, because I really didn't want to get sick right before the big road trip (more on that later). The next day, I felt so much better. Maybe it's placebo effect, but I've become an airborne believer.
I got turned on to this when I was living/working out in Carmel, CA (from whence the inventor hails). Like you, I don't know if it works-works, but I figure it can't hurt and it tastes so goooooood.
Nerdy coupon-clipper alert: save 6 Airborne UPC codes and corresponding receipts to mail in for a free box. :)
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