I'm going to the Sox vs. Mets game tonight at Fenway, and they're having a pregame ceremony to honor the 1986 Red Sox. In attendance will be the owner of the Best Nickname Ever, Oil Can Boyd. As far as nicknames go, I don't think they count unless A. They are always used in place of your real first name, to the point that many people do not know your real first name or, in extreme cases, have no idea that your nickname is not your real first name (Satchel Paige) B. Said nickname is an adjective that goes with your first name and first name is rarely/never spoken without the nickname (Sugar Ray Leonard).
According to my rules, nicknames like The Big Unit, although a hilarious moniker, do not make the cut.
10. Eri and Ern (tie). My sister and roomate, who are both technically named Erin.
9. Jeff the Neph. During a biology review session first semester freshman year of college, a guy named Jeff asked a question about the kidney. He went to the board and drew a detailed diagram of a nephron, much to the amazement and annoyance of his classmates, who were much further behind in their studies. For the next four years, he was known as Jeff the Neph.
8. Coco Crisp
7. Huggy. My friend Lauren's brother. I have no idea what his real name is.
6. Pistol Pete Maravich
5. Twinkletoes. A friend of Kevin's whose feet twitch when he sleeps.
4. Sugar Ray Leonard and Marvelous Marvin Hagler (tie)
3. The Fridge
2. Magic Johnson
1. Oil Can Boyd
I'm sure I'm forgetting a ton of good nicknames. Any suggestions? A couple nicknames that I enjoy depsite the fact that they haven't caught on yet are Jiri "The Jirinator" Welsch and Jonathan "Pap Smear" Papelbon.
Twinkletoes will be oh so pleased to be #5 on your list! How exciting.
I agree with Sugar Ray, but you can't ignore the original, Sugar Ray Robinson (and I'll try hard not to get all boxing geeky and mention Sugar Ray Seales).
Yeah, I'm not so up on the boxing history...
Um, I knew this guy named "phil" for years in college - he responded to everyone by that name. Came to find out by senior year that his real name was Ed Parker. His friends nicknamed him phil bc when they first met he was filling up their beers from the kegerator all night whenever they yelled "Fill!". Good one.
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