Yesterday, I went to my podiatrist in the Back Bay and noticed the appearance of a multitude of brightly colored cows. I spotted a couple in front of Copley square and a few more on Newbury Street. Turns out the colorful bovines are part of an art project called CowParade Boston. Over 100 cows painted by local artists will be on display in the city during the summer, and come fall, they will be sold at an auction with proceeds benefiting the Jimmy Fund.
via Bostonist
one question: why cows? Why not apes? or giraffe? Is it because cows are innocuous? But i argue, so are apes and giraffes. BTW, in Los Angeles, they had painted angels that are scattered throughout LA to raise funds. I think the project died in a whimper.
Madison has a cow parade, too!
I think the reason for picking cows is that they're a pretty recognizable animal and have big, flat surface area for ease of painting.
They did mermaids when we were in Norfolk, VA which was pretty cool. One of my favorites was the disco ball mermaid. :)
Cow parades are the new black.
As there are no cows walking the streets of Boston, I can't think of why either. In my new town we have the same thing, but with Grizzly bears. Fortunately, people aren't as dumb as to mistake a brightly painted bear for the real thing, which we do occaissonaly see walking down the streets. Hope all is well and look out for the cows.
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