Last night, I saw X Men 3. Although I am a huge nerd, I've never been into the comic book thing, except for a brief Archies phase during elementary school. My friend Aimee convinced me to see X-Men 2 when it came out, and I got hooked. I went back and rented the first movie, and enjoyed that one as well, so I have been looking forward to this newest iteration. I don't want to spoil it for any fans who haven't seen it, so I'll keep my commentary brief. It wasn't nearly as good as the second movie (my favorite of the three), and the dialogue suffered from some unimaginative writing (but was not nearly as painful as the recent Star Wars movies), but I still liked it. Highlights included, as always, Hugh Jackman as the Wolverine- seriously, so hott- and Patrick Stewart as Xavier. Of the new characters, I really enjoyed Kelsey Grammer as Dr. Hank McCoy/Beast. I think they tried to pack too much in to the movie, and I would have preferred fewer characters with a bit more plot depth.
One question for those of you who have seen it- the boy who is the "cure", what else has he been in? I couldn't figure it out and it was killing me. Also, for fans of the series, stay through the credits for a little treat at the end.
No, not Angel- there's a little bald kid who looked super familiar but I couldn't place him.
Meg, sorry I went without you- a couple of us were in the lab yesterday and decided to go last minute. I'll see it again if you still want to see it.
Aha! Got it- his name is Cameron Bright and he played the son in Thank You for Smoking, which I just saw a couple of weeks ago. Sweet relief...
i saw xmen last night too and enjoyed it! and it was killing me too because i saw thank you for smoking.
"The Leech," as they called him also played child-Orlin in Stargate: SG-1
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